
(EN) We are located in the department of microbiology at the Université de Sherbrooke (Sherbrooke, Canada). If you missed some geography classes and cannot place Sherbrooke, our town is about 100 miles southeast of Montreal, just north of the Vermont/Quebec border. Our research is centered around questions dealing with the maintenance of the termini of eukaryotic chromosomes, the telomeres. For most of our work, we use genetics and molecular biology, and our model organism of choice is the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Follow our links to learn more about us. Thanks for visiting us.
(FR) Nous sommes situés au département de microbiologie et d’infectiologie de l’Université de Sherbrooke au Québec (Canada). Nous utilisons la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae comme organisme modèle pour l’étude des mécanismes nécessaires au maintien des fins de chromosomes, les télomères. Pour ce faire, nous appliquons des techniques génétiques et de biologie moléculaire. Suivez nos différents liens (en haut) pour en savoir plus. Merci de votre visite.
(CH) Laider tuan i dae text nit ins schwiizerduetsch uebresetza. Obwohl i mi freua dass oeppert das laest, mueand iar halt Englisch koenna!!
(GR) As waer a u huara khoga’n Arbat das au n o ins Khurerduetsch z’uebersetza. Also lernan jetz halt Englisch odar vargaessans…
Latest news
- Congratulations to Mundy for being elected as Fellow to the Royal Society of Canada!
- Welcome to Evelina de Laurentiis, Ph.D., as new member of the team.
- Congratulations to Hannah Neumann on her successful PhD thesis defense!
- Congratulations to our postdoc Louise Pelle on receiving an FRQS Post Doctoral fellowship!
- Congratulations to our new postdoc Gabriela Teplitz on receiving a Post Doctoral fellowship from the Centre de Recherche sur le Vieillissement!
- Publication: Maturation and shuttling of the yeast telomerase RNP: assembling something new using recycled parts (Review). Bartle L, Vasianovich Y, and Wellinger RJ. Current Genetics, 2021.
- Publication: Telomere Replication: Solving Multiple End Replication Problems (Review). Bonnell E, Pasquier E, and Wellinger RJ. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2021.
- Publication: Telomerase biogenesis requires a novel Mex67 function and a cytoplasmic association with the Sm 7 complex. Vasianovich Y, Bajon E, & Wellinger RJ. eLife. 2020.
Funding & Affiliations